
Yoga Meditation Healing Glasgow - Logo ©

YOGA – General Class – Monday

Healing Testimonials“I love doing the Monday evening class after the first day back at work from the weekend. It’s great to have some ‘me’ time and to be able to put all stresses and thoughts………..MORE

YOGA – Dynamic Class – Wednesday

Healing Testimonials

“I owe a tremendous amount to Pol’s yoga classes. They have not just changed my body but everything about me letting both my mind and body evolve together to a………..MORE

Yoga – Kids Class – Friday

Testimonials“At the beginning of yoga I feel very relaxed and confident because I mostly know what we are going to do, but sometimes we do different things which is very fun. Also………..MORE

HEALING – Shamanic Reiki

Healing Testimonials“I met Pol by chance (or perhaps not) and although considered Yoga for back pain problems, was encouraged to try Shamanic Reiki, with excellent results………..MORE

HEALING – Shamanic Journeying

Healing Testimonials“Journeying with Pol is incredibly profound. He has three traits – compassion, wisdom and a lightness of touch – that I believe are essential to human healing. After having ME/CFS and it’s………..MORE

HEALING – Shamanic Counselling

Healing Testimonials“Just over three years ago I had a bad fall which had led to difficulty in breathing through asthma brought on by the event; however after picking up a very bad chest infection on a business trip to Delhi my………..MORE

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