To view this week’s timetable and events, please register with us on our Momoyoga booking page HERE


Chair Yoga

Description: Join Clare for her Chair Yoga Class and experience mindful, accessible and gentle movements to build strength, increase flexibility and improve balance. Class closes with guided relaxation. Chair Yoga can further develop mind body awareness and help to regulate your nervous system. The class can help to manage chronic pain, release stresses and tensions and boost your mood. Chair Yoga is for Every Body!

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Vinyasa Flow

Description: This thoughtfully structured class connects movement with breath. You will be encouraged to listen to your own individual body in order to progress your practice and develop a deepening awareness of how your body feels moment to moment. You will leave feeling relaxed and refreshed.
4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Beginners' Yoga

Description: For all ages and physical abilities, or for those who wish to return to a weekly yoga practice after taking a break from yoga. You will be guided step by step through the foundational aspects of yoga with a gentle introduction to beginner level yoga poses and sequences along with simple breathing practices and guided relaxation. As you progress through the Beginners yoga class you will gain confidence to feel comfortable attending a general level yoga class.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Vinyasa Yoga

Description: Join Pòl for an invigorating vinyasa yoga practice. Experience different sequences, each with an emphasis of flowing and moving with breath. Pòl also integrates simple breathing practices and guided relaxation into the practice. This vinyasa class will strengthen and tone your body and help to develop stamina and endurance whilst improving cardiovascular health.

Suitable for Beginners’ Plus and beyond.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Yoga Therapeutics for Wellbeing

Description: Join Paula for a therapeutic class which integrates active, somatic and restorative yoga with breathing practices, meditation and deep relaxation. Release tight spaces in the body with slow, mindful, subtle and fluid movements along with joint-freeing sequences. This supportive class helps to build strength, mobility and flexibility whilst improving respiratory health.   The practice is designed to cultivate greater mind-body awareness, regulate your nervous system and release stress, trauma and tension from your body. It will leave you feeling calm, grounded and balanced.  This self-care and trauma-sensitive class is for any age and experience and for those who wish to practice gently and relax deeply. (Beginner & Over 65s friendly).
4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Description: Join Paula for a creative, uplifting and energising flowing sequence crafted around the sun salutation followed by forward folds, reclined poses and twists before experiencing a deep relaxation to calm the mind and body. Paula teaches from a functional approach and provides modifications and variations to help you find your own level of depth and comfort.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Beginners' Yoga

Description: Yoga for Beginners is for every body – all ages and abilities. Paula will guide you step by step through the foundational aspects of yoga with an introduction to beginner level poses and sequences – seated, standing and lying down. Learn to release tensions, stiffness and stresses with movement, simple breathing practices and guided relaxation for deep rest.

This class is also suitable for those who have practiced yoga before and have had a break from a weekly practice and are seeking a return.

The many health and wellbeing benefits of having a weekly yoga class are well documented with studies showing an overall improvement in our physical and mental wellbeing. Yoga has also been shown to both help prevent and speed up the recovery of injuries for gym enthusiasts, runners, cyclists, weight lifters and sports people.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Vinyasa Krama Yoga

Description: Vinyasa Krama Yoga is the synchronised movement of yoga poses through various stages in order to arrive at specific goals. This common goal is to progress from simple yoga poses to more advanced asana (poses). Vinyasa Krama helps the practitioner to prepare their body for more advanced poses and sequences by starting with basic asana then building upon those with progressively more challenging asanas.

Each movement in the Vinyasa Krama sequence is linked to an inhalation and exhalation and each asana becomes a step within the flow, much like that which we experience within the sun salutation. It is an invigorating practice and will strengthen and tone your body quickly.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Gentle Yoga

Description: Join Paula for a mindful and gentle yoga class which integrates active, somatic and therapeutic yoga with breathing practices, meditation and guided relaxation. We begin our practices lying on the floor with slow somatic movements and then rise to standing for a multi-dimensional yoga sequence designed to build strength and mobility whilst releasing tensions, stiffness and tightness held in the body.

The practice is designed to cultivate greater mind-body awareness, foster connection to your breath, regulate your nervous system and release strain, tension and fatigue from your body. It will leave you feeling relaxed, grounded and balanced.

This self-care trauma-sensitive class is for any age and experience and for those who wish to practice gently and relax deeply.

All levels welcome. It is suitable for beginners and the more experienced to aid embodied awareness, interoception and proprioception.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Description: Join Paula for a creative, uplifting and energising flowing sequence crafted around the sun salutation followed by forwards folds, reclined poses and twists before experiencing a deep relaxation to calm the mind and body. Paula teaches from a functional approach and provides modifications and variations to help you find your own level of depth and comfort.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Yin Yoga

Description: Indulge in a deeply nurturing and nourishing yin yoga practice softly illuminated by salt lamps and low lighting. We explore and experience long held yin shapes to sink into our fascia and deeper connective tissues. Yin provides space and time to cultivate breath and body awareness, to recognise muscular holdings, stresses and tensions and provides an opportunity to release, let go and let be.

This quiet, slow, mindful and therapeutic yoga supports your mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing. Your yin practice will leave you feeling grounded, calm, replenished and relaxed and well prepared for a good night’s sleep. Paula teaches from a functional approach and provides modifications and variations to suit your unique body and help you find your own level of depth and comfort. It is therefore suitable for Every Body including beginners.


4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga

Description: Join Pòl for a dynamic and energising vinyasa class and experience a unique blend of hatha, vinyasa krama and ashtanga yoga. Practice a dynamic sun salutation with varied sequencing and a blend of standing, balancing, inverted and seated poses.

This invigorating class will strengthen and stretch your body whilst building your stamina and confidence and quietening your mind with breath awareness and guided relaxation.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Beginners Plus Yoga

Description: The Beginners Plus Yoga Class caters to individuals who have some experience of yoga and for those who have had a break from a weekly yoga practice and are seeking to return to a suitable level. Experience Pol’s unique blend of yoga which will help tone and strengthen your body and increase your flexibility.

You will be guided step by step through foundational aspects of yoga with an introduction to beginner plus level yoga poses and sequences along with simple breathing practices and guided relaxation to aid the relief of stress and anxiety.

This class is for practitioners seeking a fulfilling yoga practice in a calm and peaceful environment. The class will also suit active individuals with no yoga experience as the class can easily be tailored for those of all abilities and ages.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Vinyasa Flow

Description: This thoughtfully structured class connects movement with breath. You will be encouraged to listen to your own individual body in order to progress your practice and develop a deepening awareness of how your body feels moment to moment. You will leave feeling relaxed and refreshed.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions

Friday 10:00AM

Yoga Therapeutics for Wellbeing

Description: Join Paula for a therapeutic class which integrates active, somatic and restorative yoga with breathing practices, meditation and deep relaxation. Release tight spaces in the body with slow, mindful, subtle and fluid movements along with joint-freeing sequences. This supportive class helps to build strength, mobility and flexibility whilst improving respiratory health.   The practice is designed to cultivate greater mind-body awareness, regulate your nervous system and release stress, trauma and tension from your body. It will leave you feeling calm, grounded and balanced.  This self-care and trauma-sensitive class is for any age and experience and for those who wish to practice gently and relax deeply. (Beginner & Over 65s friendly).
4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions



Sound Bath & Guided Relaxation

Description: In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many. Our Sound Bath & Guided Relaxation is a stress-relief class held two Fridays per month and is meticulously designed to offer you respite from life’s pressures. Under the guidance of Pòl, the class serves as a gateway to tranquility, presenting an array of proven techniques to help combat stress, anxiety, fatigue and the challenges that affect your daily life. Experience a holistic approach to wellness with sound therapy tailored to address modern challenges. Through a blend of Sound Bath, Guided Relaxation, Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra (Deep relaxation – no poses or movement) and simple breath techniques, you will learn to navigate the tumultuous waters of anxiety, finding an anchor in our supportive community.

Suitable for all – Beginners Welcome.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions



Hypno-Healing & Meditation

Description: The Hypno-Healing & Meditation class is held one Friday per month. It uses simple breathing and body relaxation techniques to bring you to a heightened state of concentration and focused attention. You will find yourself being guided to a deeply relaxing place where Pól will use the power of suggestion to help you create positive change. The class will help you release stress, anxiety and fatigue and will leave you feeling energised for your weekend. Pól has many years experience using trance and subconscious repatterining both within group settings and with individuals. Within a safe, relaxing and peaceful environment you will access an inner confidence which will help you achieve the positive change you seek.

Suitable for all – Beginners Welcome.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions
To read more about Hypno-Healing – Click Here



Shamanic Savasana & Meditation

Description: The Shamanic Savasana & Meditation class is held one Friday per month and is a simple and enjoyable way to experience deep meditative states. The class is suitable for complete beginners to experienced meditators. The meditation class begins with a warmup of simple breath awareness, and breathing practices. The remainder of the class is spent in Savasana (a supported resting pose) as you are guided on a relaxation journey using story telling, visualisation and guided imagery. If you are experiencing work/life stress or anxiety, this class will be an invaluable tool to help you create positive change in your life.

Suitable for all – Beginners Welcome.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions



Relaxation Therapy

Description: The Relaxation Therapy class is held one Friday per month and is an invaluable tool to help you manage stress, anxiety and fatigue. The goal of Relaxation Therapy is to reduce stress and anxiety and allow individuals to feel more calm and centred. Many easily learned relaxation techniques are made available including breathing techniques, progressive muscle relaxation, guided visualisation, simple therapeutic and somatic yoga sequences: all of which are suitable for those with no or little experience. Relaxation Therapy is a joyful and light-hearted class which delivers an immediate sense of relief from the negative symptoms of modern life.

If you are looking to let go of your working week and create a positive frame of mind for your weekend, then this is the class for you.

Suitable for all – Beginners Welcome.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Vinyasa Flow

Description: This thoughtfully structured class connects movement with breath. You will be encouraged to listen to your own individual body in order to progress your practice and develop a deepening awareness of how your body feels moment to moment. You will leave feeling relaxed and refreshed.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Hatha Yoga & Therapeutics

Description: This Saturday morning yoga class is instructed by Pól who studied Classical Hatha yoga and Yoga Therapy in India where he qualified as a yoga teacher in 2007. He started teaching Yoga Therapeutics in Glasgow in 2008 and has continued applying that system throughout his classes. Over the years he has developed his own unique blend of Hatha Yoga and Yoga Therapeutics which creates positive outcomes for both body and mind. You will also experience the many benefits of pranayama (breath-work) which has been shown to improve vitality and respiratory health. No experience of pranayama is required as you will be given simple and clear instructions.

His continued studies in this specialised area of therapeutic yoga has brought a deep understanding of the complex workings of the body’s internal systems and how to assist individuals to address any imbalances.

You will also gain physical and mental benefits from somatic yoga sequences which can help relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety. The class finishes with a guided relaxation, which includes the use of sound healing (Sound Bath) using various singing bowls. The class is beginner friendly and therefore suitable for all levels.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Hatha Vinyasa Yoga

Description: Rise & Shine with Pol for an energising Hatha Vinyasa yoga sequence followed by deep relaxation for the mind and body. Pol has developed his own blend of Hatha, Classical Ashtanga and Vinyasa Krama yoga to provide a full body-mind workout and ensure the building of strength, stamina and flexibility for all who attend.

You will receive plenty of encouragement and adjustments throughout the class. The class also incorporates core workout routines to help increase your fitness levels. This class is open to all levels and is beginner friendly for active individuals.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions


Sunday Sanctuary

Description: Each Sunday Sanctuary class is a chance to slow down, rest & reset with gentle, mindful and quiet yoga. We practice a blend of somatic, yin & restorative yoga and each week is themed slightly differently

The two hour practice will relax, soothe and unwind the mind, breath & body and help to release stored tensions and stresses.

Class is £19

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions



Description: Combine the energy of dynamic flow with the mindfulness of holding postures.

This class offers a unique blend of movement and stillness as well as the opportunity to explore new and challenging transitions and poses. Embrace the fun and excitement of pushing yourself in each class while also utilising yoga’s inner stillness and concentration.

4 Lansdowne Crescent – Directions
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