Meditation Workshops in Glasgow

Meditation Workshops – Coming Autumn 2023

Meditation is unique to the individual. It is subjective and experiential. By attending a meditation class, you will learn a variety of simple techniques to help you on your meditation journey.

Meditation is well researched and its benefits scientifically evidence based. Below are a few examples of the benefits of meditation.

The benefits of Meditation.

  • Meditation can reduce anxiety & stress
  • Helps release deep physical
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases attention
  • Meditation reduces mental disturbances
  • It can help control pain
  • Promotes emotional health and wellbeing
  • Help control high blood pressure
  • Brings calmness to the mind
  • Increases focus and attention
  • Meditation improves cognition

Questions & Answers.

  1. I have no experience of Meditation. Can I join a Workshop? – Yes, it is suitable for all
  2. How can I book into the Meditation Workshop? – Book Here
  3. When is the Meditation Workshop? – One Sunday per month
  4. What time is the Workshop? – 1:00-3:00pm
  5. Where is it held? – At our Lansdowne Crescent Studio: Map Here
  6. How much does it cost? – £19
  7. Is this class suitable for Beginners? – Yes
Meditation Research Links & Benefits.

Below is an in depth resource to research on the many benefits of practicing meditation.

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